Day: July 18, 2017

Labor’s Bill of Rights

These are dark times for labor. The Republican majority that now controls all levels of the federal government has made it clear that they plan on rolling back labor and employment protections, while also not funding and enforcing the currently existing laws. Judicial conservatives have regained their fifth vote on the Supreme Court and a new case challenging the constitutionality of public sector fair share agreements is at the Court’s footsteps.[note] Moshe Marvit, “Labor Opponents Already Have The Next ‘Friedrichs’ SCOTUS Case Ready to Go Under Trump,” In These Times, January 4, 2017,[/note] House conservatives have introduced a national right-to-work amendment to the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA), and other restrictions on union activity are likely to be moved in the House.[note]“House Resolution 785,” 115th U.S. Congress, 2017,[/note] All of this will come at a time when the power and reach of organized labor is at […]