Day: April 26, 2005

The Torch, Rekindled

The blue-line proofs of the new issue of “The Torch” came back from the printer today. Perhaps it was the contact high from the weird blue ink they use, but I’m really excited with the way it turned out. The Torch is the Journal of the Young People’s Socialist League. It’s my first issue as editor in five years. I am a little long in the tooth for any kind of young people’s league, but, after nine years in the organization (including a four-year stint as National Secretary and a three-year stint as Torch editor), I can’t just up and leave. I’ve basically been playing a supportive, back-seat role until I turn 30 and have to be sent to Sanctuary. That was until a handful of comrades, including Mary Loritz (known to my friends, for a time, as “that girl on the couch”), asked me to get The Torch going […]