Day: April 13, 2005

An Opportunity for Electoral Consensus in the Socialist Party USA

The Socialist Party USA has a unique opportunity to reach a consensus on electoral activity that can be translated into a coordinated agenda. Much of the debate in the party right now focuses on extraneous arguments about supporting Democrats (which few in the party actually do) or working within the Green Party. But these are pointless arguments if they do not come in the context of our larger strategy. The truth is that the Socialist Party is not really a political party. Although we do have a legally recognized “Socialist National Committee” that makes us a party in the federal government’s eyes, we lack ballot lines at any state level. We have fielded only a handful of token candidates across the country each year ever since the Socialist Party of Oregon lost its ballot line in 1998. (The story of the SPO’s temporary, but acrimonious, split belies our lack of […]

May Day! May Day!

This May First, hundreds of thousands of activists will march through the streets of New York. This won’t be a traditional May Day parade, not even a watered down “Workers Memorial Day”. No, if anything, this “May Day” is more in the nautical vein of “Save us!” On that Sunday, United for Peace and Justice and Abolition 2000 will lead a march down First Avenue, past the United Nations, down 42nd Street and back up to Central Park for a massive rally against the war in Iraq and in favor of complete nuclear disarmament. It was two years ago, on May 1, 2003, that George Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln, thrust his stuffed crotch in the general direction of a salivating press corp and declared “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq. Of course, the war has just gotten bloodier and more hopeless in the ensuing time. Meanwhile, the United Nations […]