Day: March 9, 2005

Repealing the 20th Century

The Republicans can’t help themselves. Dominating all branches of the federal government, and bolstered by decades of anti-government, pro-market rhetoric, they are actively repealing the 20th century. With veto-proof majorities, and no strong opposition from the Democrats, they are in the silly position of being unstoppable, even when they’d probably rather lose a vote. As policy, a national sales tax is more useful as a wedge issue, one of those “class warfare” issues that they keep beat the hapless Democrats over the head with. It’s not actually a sensible policy for government or economy. Nevertheless, Alan Greenspan recently came out in favor of a modified consumption tax. At what point does Wall Street realize that Greenspan is not some grand wizard of economics, but really just a partisan hack? When Clinton was president, Greenspan would constantly mumble and sputter warnings about cutting spending and paying down the nation’s debt and […]