
VIDEO: On Marketscale B2B Discussing Chipotle Union Organizing

September 14, 2022

Union Avoidance or Neutrality? Chipotle Faces a Critical Decision as Michigan Store Unionizes - MarketScale

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AUDIO: On The Rick Smith Show

February 11, 2021

I was on the Rick Smith Show on 2/10, discussing the insurrection, the PRO Act and reading the Biden administration's tea leaves.

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That Time I Was (Willingly) on Fox News

May 9, 2018

On a slow news day in March of 2002, I was the token socialist for a roundtable segment on the "O'Reilly Factor." I think they destroyed the tape, because I haven't been able to find it on any transcription service. When Fox News still handled this stuff themselves, they claimed there was 12 hours of missing footage from the day - conveniently including the live show and its late-night re-run. Anyway, with some help I was able to dig up this transcript. What's interesting is how much has - and hasn't - changed. What hasn't changed is that Bill O'Reilly…

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AUDIO: Beneath the Surface on Janus, W. Va, Chaos

March 12, 2018

Rachel Cohen and I appeared on K-PFK's Beneath the Surface to discuss the Janus case, the West Virginia teachers strike and other bits of chaos in the world of labor law.

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AUDIO: War on Unions May Have Unintended Consequences

March 4, 2018

I was on Politics and Reality Radio with Joshua Holland to discuss Janus and the end of labor peace.

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AUDIO: Belabored Podcast on Rights and Rebellions

February 23, 2018

I was on the Belabored podcast with Sarah Jaffe and Michelle Chen to talk about Labor's Bill of Rights, labor law reform, bringing the strike back and much, much more.

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AUDIO: What’s Holding Back Labor And Union Efforts In This New Economy?

January 31, 2017

I was on the Kathleen Dunn Show talking about why the rubber often doesn't meet the road when it comes to union organizing.

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Good Write-Up in the Nerd Press

September 4, 2009

I rarely write directly about work on this blarg, but some of this year's big adventures got a nice write-up from Beryl Benderly at Science Magazine. Relevant excerpts follows: On 20 July, the postdocs at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, received official recognition for their new union. It's the nation's third postdoc union, but the first to be part of the same union as their lab chiefs. After a swift and successful signature-collecting campaign, the 350 postdocs on the university's three campuses became a bargaining unit of the Rutgers Council of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)-American…

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Bill O’Reilly’s Flying Circus

March 19, 2006

Four years ago, I was a guest on the "O'Reilly Factor," part of a panel discussion on the income gap. It was a wonderfully surreal moment that, alas, I have yet to repeat. I just stumbled upon a transcript of the show. Below is a pretty funny bit that I believe is short enough that I can legally quote it. Missing here is O'Reilly's assertion that Cornell University is a socialist plot, "Parade" editor and DNC Treasurer Andrew Tobias inviting me to join the Democratic party, and, finally, Mr. O'Reilly brusquely ending the segment and announcing that Mel Gibson would…

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