The Boss, and the Boss’ Boss: the Strike at British Airways

The wildcat sympathy strike at British Airways is wonderfully inspiring and a real victory for working people around the world. Of course, the mass media is emphasizing the nightmare stories of tourists stuck in traveler’s limbo, and complaining that this isn’t even British Airways’ fault. Like hell, it’s not.

Like many modern corporations, British Airways has subcontracted a major department – its in-flight food service – to another company. You come across this all the time, even if you’re not aware of it. If you stay at a hotel, but eat breakfast at its restaurant, that restaurant is probably owned and operated by a separate company. If you purchase a computer and call technical support, you’re probably speaking to an employee of another company – based on another continent. The motivation of the boss is to cut costs and remove extraneous concerns.

An airline already has to pay and manage pilots, flight attendants, grounds crews, reservations agents, customer service call centers and so on and so forth. Add to that all the considerations and payroll of running an in-flight food service: the staff, the decisions, the menus. So, British Airways simply hired another company to do work that the airline itself once did, and it probably hired that company at a lower cost than the operations once cost the airline directly. How does the subcontractor provide the same services at a lower cost? Through “scientific management,” also known as “sweating the workers.” Faster, harder, cheaper. Work, work, work. Cut corners. Limit the menus. Slash the wages.

In the drive to cut costs and raise profits, this company – American-based Gate Gourmet – abruptly fired 670 of its workers last Thursday. Those workers might have received paychecks from a different payroll processor, but they worked alongside the grounds workers, flight attendants and pilots of British Airways, and, seeing their coworkers summarily dismissed from their jobs like that, the workers at British Airways protested by walking off the job and throwing the airline into complete and utter turmoil.

So don’t go shedding any tears for poor, innocent British Airways. They established the low budgets in food service that forced Gate Gourmet to cut those jobs. They are every bit as much the boss as the company that actually fired those 670 workers. The workers at British Airways and Gate Gourmet are holding both corporations responsible for the management decisions that take place at the work site. In so doing, these workers have drawn a line in the sand across the globe. They are saying your corporate shenanigans will not shield you from your responsibility to negotiate with your workers. Solidarity extends across payroll departments.

Congressman Meeks on the Defensive

On July 27, the US House of Representatives narrowly passed CAFTA by a vote of 217 to 215, thanks to 15 Democrats who went to the other side and voted with the Bush regime for multinational corporate interests. My representative, Gregory Meeks was one of the “CAFTA 15”.

Like any good citizen, I called his office before the vote to express my opposition to the bill. Now that the bill has passed, I have a new card to play. I have recently been hired to write a new bi-weekly column for the Times Ledger newspaper group in Queens (Queens’ largest community newspaper, with over 50,000 paid subscribers). My first article should appear either this Thursday or next and will focus on the fallout from Meeks’ vote.

On Sunday, I attended a press conference organized by the Working Families party, and attended by representatives of labor unions in the AFL-CIO and Change to Win. After the press conference, when I was done asking a few follow-up questions to Brian McLaughlin, I was approached by Rep. Meeks’ Communications Director, who was apparently hanging out in the back of the press conference to make sure that reporters came away with Rep. Meeks’ position. I’ve received his earlier statements, but I accepted her new materials and incorporated part of Meeks’ justification in my column (the particularly lame complaint “Despite the fact that CAFTA is by no means a perfect agreement, voting it down was not a valid option because it would not subsequently be replaced by a perfect agreement”). She wanted to get me more material, but my deadline was essentially later that night.

This morning, Jonathan Tasini posted a shockingly indecorous e-mail from Rep. Meeks’ senior policy advisor on his blog (quoted below):

You’re so politically stupid, it is not funny! You send out a press release, and get 1 or 2 media outlets to cover it, and then put it on your blogs as if it some big deal believing your own hype! Please. We welcome your racists campaign. Keep it up. Instead of the 96% of the vote we got last cycle, you racists will help us get 100% for sure! By the way, I hope you saw the numerous newspapers articles and editorials praising Rep. Meeks for his courageous vote and standing up for his district and NYC. Congressman Meeks will continue to fight for the 51% of unemployed black males in NYC and working families regardless of the lies put forth by your racist campaign. I bet you couldn’t find our district if you were standing in it. By the way, since your last email cited Crain’s NY, I hope you saw their editorial today regarding Cafta, along with the many others. So keep up your racist campaign. But just a warning to you, when we respond back, you better be prepared. Because we will fight back your racist campaign of misinformation. And it will be just as ugly and nasty as you and your fellow Nadar klansmen. Put that in your elitist pipe and choke on it!

After reading that letter, I decided to reach out to Rep. Meeks very friendly Communications Director. At a quarter to 11, I sent the following message:

Hi Candace,

I appreciate the materials that you gave me on Sunday. I incorporated some of Rep. Meeks’ position in my column, but I haven’t received any follow-up material from you. My deadline was yesterday, but I may be able to open it up again.

Specifically, I may want to address this e-mail quoted below that has apparently been circulated by Mr. Mike McKay. I find the vitriol and language shockingly indecorous for a Congressional aide. Was Mr. McKay speaking for Rep. Meeks when he sent this e-mail?

Four hours later, I received a personal phone call from Rep. Gregory Meeks. Unfortunately, I was at work when he called.

I must say that I’m rather surprised that my little old column (not yet published) and blarg have elicited a prompt, personal response from a United States Congressman. I suppose it’s safe to say that Rep. Meeks is feeling the heat from his support of CAFTA. I look forward to speaking with the distinguished gentleman as soon as possible.

We Should Be Working on the Rail Road, All the Live Long Day

One of the more frustrating tendencies of narrow-minded NIMBYism is the knee-jerk opposition to railroad expansion in Queens and Long Island. Residents in Maspeth are already howling because Congressman Jerrold Nadler has secured 100 million federal dollars for the design of a rail-freight tunnel under the harbor, from Bayonne to Bay Ridge, a project that he has long-championed to rebuild the port of New York and bring back the region’s capacity for shipping and manufacturing.

The lack of easy cross-harbor transportation caused many shipyards to close and greatly increased the use of trucks on our streets (and, with them, greatly increased pollution and asthma). The lack of high-speed, high volume shipping hastened the departure of many of Brooklyn’s and Queens’ factories and breweries. Televisions, spark plus, staplers, beer and so much more used to be made in New York and shipped out to the rest of the country, providing hundreds of thousands of good jobs, the sheer volume and quality of which have not been replaced by service and tourism jobs. Nadler and other port advocates believe that New York’s size and geographic location still make it an efficient and cost-effective to manufacture goods and ship them around the world, and that the factories and good jobs would return if the rail and port infrastructure were in place.

Situated at an intersection of the Long Island Rail Road and one of the island’s main freight railroads, Maspeth would be a crucial juncture in a regional rail freight network. “Congressman Nadler Wants 16,000 More Trucks a Day to Exit Here,” screams a billboard on the LIE. While the number is in dispute, the tunnel would put more trucks in Maspeth, although the cumulative amount of truck traffic on city streets would plummet. But, Maspeth is a Republican stronghold, so Mayor Bloomberg has come out unequivocally against the project, even though his Republican predecessor, Rudy Giuliani, committed millions of dollars to feasibility studies for it.

Bloomberg’s opposition will prevent an environmental impact study from commencing, which can only prevent the construction of the tunnel. The two heads of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the lame-duck governors of the states, may prevent the plans from ever being drawn up, although, to their credit, it is because they prioritize other rail projects (commuter service across the Hudson River, and a rail connection from JFK to Wall Street).

Now is the time to build more rail infrastructure. Oil is a finite resource that is being consumed at greater rates by the US and by China. We are quickly heading towards a day of reckoning when gas prices become too high to support the American way of life of two cars in every garage and a sixty minute commute to the office park. New York is in far better shape to weather the crisis than most other, car-based communities. But we can’t rest on our laurels. We must expand the rail infrastructure now, before the crisis and before the costs become too huge.

This is why I’m so disappointed by the neighborhood in which I grew up, Floral Park, for its vocal opposition of adding a new track to the Long Island Rail Road from Bellerose to Hempstead, for the temporary disruption that the construction would cause. But the permmanent benefit of the third track would not only be the increased capacity to speed commutes from Floral Park to midtown, but the new transportation opportunities it would provide to the 120,000 commuters who drive from Manhattan and Brooklyn to Long Island for work everyday.

The Long Island Rail Road was initially designed as a commuter line, to speed Long Island residents to their jobs in Manhattan, but our lives and economy have become more complicated than that. The future of jobs on Long Island, the health of our environment and the future viability of our communities depends on a Long Island Rail Road that can service commuters from the east and the west, as well as within Long Island from north to south, so that we can survive without our cars if the day comes when we can no longer afford them.

Wal-Mart No Way! Volunteers Needed! C’mon, Aspiring Extras!

Staten Island is not enough, Wal-Mart now has its eyes set on Coney Island. There’s a new community group fighting to keep Wal-Mart out of Brooklyn, Wal-Mart No Way. They’re raising money to put anti-Wal-Mart ads on teevee during the mayoral race. In fact, they’re having a fundraiser, um, tomorrow (details below). If you can attend, please do. If you can afford a donation, please be generous.

But there’s a far more fun way you can get involved in Wal-Mart No Way. They will be shooting their ad this coming Saturday afternoon, from about 4:00 pm until aboout 8:00 pm. If you can spare the time and want to wear a blue smock and scream and yell a lot, e-mail me for details.

Fundraiser to Stop Wal-Mart

Tuesday, August 2nd from 6 – 8:30pm

59 W. 12th Street #11C, between 5th and 6th Avenues

Wal-Mart wants to get into New York City – badly. They’re running television and print ads right now about how great it would be to have Wal-Marts in all five boroughs. So we’re answering with our own 30-second TV ad.

Although everyone involved in our group is volunteering their time and talent, we need your help to pay for everything from the lighting equipment to the air time on NY1.

For this event, we are asking for $50 – $100 per person, based on what you can honestly afford. You can donate here now: If you can come to the fundraiser, please RSVP to Thank you for your support – together we can, and will, stop them.

-Pete Sikora
Executive Director
Campaign of Neighborhood Impacts, Inc.

PS: If you want to donate by check, and cannot come to the fundraiser, you can mail it to: Neighborhood Impacts, Inc. 152 Fifth Ave Apt 1B Brooklyn NY 11217. Thank you again.